Happy Easter, folks!
Today the weather blessed me with a beautiful sun and clear skies! I'm heading out any minute now and I'm so excited to spend some time with the family.
I'm not a fan of Easter but I do love me some chocolate and knowing all my little cousins will be at the house in the countryside makes everything a little better!
Today is also the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo!
I know a lot of you are celebrating with friends or families but I was wondering, is there someone who is actually writing today?
I don't know if I'll have the time, maybe once the kids are napping I will sneak into the living room with my laptop and easter eggs and do some writing...
I really need to finish this novel so I can focus on the edits and then I can actually pitch it to agents. It sounds scary, tbh, what if no one will be interested? What if it's complete trash? I guess I will eventually know, once it's out in the wild...
Anyway, this little post was so useless, wasn't it? But I wanted to make sure you're eating all the chocolate and writing all the words and if you're not, well, go and spend some time with your family, there's nothing better than being around the ones you love.
Happy Easter and happy writing!!!