june books

Oh, June. What a great reading month you have been.
It was such a surprise that I couldn't believe it: reading 4 books in a month? Who is she? Don't know her.
But I actually did it.

It all started back at the end of May when it was basically still winter outside and I was bored out of my mind. That is how great things start, right? 
Anyway, I found myself in a rut. I didn't want to do anything, really, but there was one thing that was really bugging me and it was that unfinished book I left on my nightstand, always staring at me, judging me. I had to do something about it so I picked it up again and read it. 
Bloody finished the whole thing in two days!

Now, it might seem like a simple task, but it's a 600+ pages hell of a book and I had 200 pages left and let's not forget I was coming from the biggest reading slump in history, so... guess who deserves a pat on the shoulder?

After that, I was so smug that I wanted to repeat it, I picked up the next book and then the next and another one and... I was insatiable. Devoured 4 books one after another and what can I say? New Guinness World Record right here!

No but seriously, let me just talk you through them so I can shut up, alright? Great.

Wow. Just wow.
Picking this book up after leaving it to rot on my nightstand was the best decision I've made in months. I didn't stop reading it because it was boring or I didn't like it, I just didn't feel like reading anything at all.
But this brick of a book was wonderful.
The writing was superb and the little details that usually bore me to death were actually so lyrically beautiful that I wanted more. Also, that ending left me speechless, I still think about it and it gives me the chills.
I wrote a full review on The Secret History so you can read all about it and maybe - hopefully - pick it up yourself.

 Check it out on Goodreads / Book Depository

I'm a sucker for those College / Mystery / Secret Society kinda vibe and so I jumped on the bandwagon and immediately scouted the wild land of used books online until I found it: a perfectly beaten up copy of Dead Poets Society.
If you watched the movie, this shouldn't be new to you but if you haven't I really really urge you to just watch it because it's one of those movies that gives you that right amount of heartbreak to cry for days and the push to fight and go after your dreams.
The book is very short - and it's basically the movie adaptation so nothing new - but boy if I highlighted the crap out of it! It's so inspiring and moving and motivating and I just really really loved it.
 Check it out on Goodreads / Book Depository

If you read my books I've acquired recently post then you know I have an awesome dad who knows that the only thing that makes me really happy is books. He is so thoughtful that when he came back home from work, he brought me an Italian copy of The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.
I love how this book messed with my mind - generally, all Dan Brown's books have that effect on me - and even though it's a very long book, it's never boring like I thought The DaVinci Code was, in fact, I skipped entire chapters of that book but The Lost Symbol is way better!
It was action-packed and something was always happening and that was a page turner for sure!

 Check it out on Goodreads / Book Depository

The whole world is reading it or about it and I was feeling like I was missing out big time so I picked up the first used beautifully designed hardcover and forgot about everything else. Social life? What's that?
I was sucked inside Connell and Marianne's world from the very first sentence and I loved it so much I actually did shed a tear while also wanting to slap someone's face!
It was so real that sometimes it scared me because I kept seeing myself in Marianne and I hated it.
I will post a full review on Normal People very soon, so I can actually talk about it in depth, but in short, if you're still thinking about whether you should read it or not, I would say HELL YES!
 Check it out on Goodreads / Book Depository

As you can see, not only it was a great reading month but all the books I've read were absolutely awesome!
Also, my Goodreads challenge is now under control - kinda, I'm still 4 books behind schedule! Help! - and I feel like I have some more great reads waiting to be picked up in July.

 Have you read any of these?